

We'll bring your product on the market.

We support you and your company in sales & customer acquisition, product presentation and cost calculation, negotiation strategy, conversational skills and preparation, as well as operational support when listing your products. We open up a world of commercial opportunities. With our long-standing business relationships and networks, we can distribute your products to big-name drugstores, food retailers, hardware stores, and the like, with a focus on the German and Austrian markets.

Our partners:


Three easy steps to increasing your sales


Step 1

Introduce your product to us

Provide us with information about your product. What exactly is it about? Where do you currently stand with your product? Do you already have sales figures or a product history?

Simply fill out our contact form and give us as much information as possible, so we can review your product in the best-possible way.


Step 2

Examination of your proposal/product

After receiving all the relevant information about your company and your products, we prepare a business analysis and evaluate the first prospects and sales opportunities.

Afterwards, we prepare all sales-promoting measures and introduce these to selected buyers. If your products pique the interest of the buyers, an appropriate date for the product presentation with the respective buyer is agreed upon.


Step 3

Increase your sales

Now you can sit back and relax! By signing the contract, we take care of bringing your product to retailers and getting it listed.

Your product is now on the market! Customers from all over Germany and Austria can now buy your product and increase your sales. We will continue to support your communications with our trading partners, for example during annual meetings, organizational matters, and the like, as well as during the presentation of any new products.

Price on request.